Jon Hallé – Big Solar Co-op CEO
Jon is a co-founder of Sharenergy. In his role as CEO, he has a wide remit from detailed support of individual projects to a nationwide strategic involvement with public, private and third sector bodies. Jon was a pioneer of community-owned solar in the UK and is a previous recipient of the Community Energy Champion Award.
Chris Rigby – Technical Lead
Chris holds a degree in renewable energy and his background is in solar PV and electrical building services engineering, with over 15 years of experience building rooftop solar. He is responsible for the development, delivery and ongoing maintenance of all Big Solar Co-op host site installations.

Joanna Nicholson – Project Lead
With a wealth of experience spanning the practical, technical and creative. Joannas’ eclectic career has ranged across Solar Management for a renewables company, R&D for a paraglider designer and manufacturer, Financial management for a variety of environmental and arts charities, Head Housekeeper for an Earl and running welfare and catering units at festivals.
Dean Hill – Client Lead
Dean comes from a multi-sector background, having run a Telecom Analysis Consultancy and coordinating and collaborating with diverse teams of volunteers and stakeholders in ventures such as Exposure Music Awards & BBC Introducing Platform. His primary focus is liaising with potential Big Solar Co-op host sites.

Noël Lambert – Community & Content Lead
Noël has a background in community building, online systems configuration, digital strategy and technical communication. She manages our Volunteer Member community and knowledge hub, helps develop digital tools and coordinates Big Solar Co-op communications through events and social media strategy.