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We had a blast!

Thanks to everyone who joined us in Shrewsbury for the Big Solar Gathering last month. We had a blast! It is always a pleasure to get together in person with volunteers (current and would-like-to-be) to give progress updates, share learning and get their input on how things are shaping up.

The agenda was a packed one and feedback from the day tells us that people struggled to choose between the afternoon workshops as they all sounded good! You can check out what was covered through the links below:

Welcome & Big Solar Co-op update

How can the Big Solar Co-op engage host sites?

How volunteers power the Big Solar Co-op

Workshop #1: Big Solar Co-op communications – developing our key messages

Workshop #2: Early feedback from a new community energy group bringing the Big Solar Co-op concept to their area

Workshop #3: Updates and learnings from the Stroud, Shropshire & Telford nodes

Workshop #4: What are the ethical boundaries of the Big Solar Co-op?