Our first share offer ended last Saturday, 10 December. More than 250 people invested over £840,000 and we send a huge thank you to every single one of them. We could not be doing this crucial work without your support.

These funds will be used to install solar panels on the first rooftops in the portfolio in the West Midlands and to continue to progress the pipeline of large commercial and community rooftops across the UK.
Since launching in July this year another 3 MW of potential large solar rooftops has been added to the development portfolio, here is a simple breakdown of the types of buildings included in our pipeline.
Looking forward to 2023
2023 is going to be a pivotal year for the Big Solar Co-op. Our first installs will be going up and the volunteers who have signed up to our worker member structure will really start to power the project.
If you would like to be informed when the next share offer goes live, you can register your interest in investing in the future by completing our short form.